Chief People Officer Pathways report 2022

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CPO Pathways report book cover image 2022

Our specialist Human Resources practice

Our vastly experienced Human Resources practice offers huge depth of expertise to support our clients find world-class HR talent. Bringing a distinctly hands-on, personal approach and drawing on experience from the HR function itself, we truly connect with the role that HR leaders play in creating cultures that drive improved business performance.

Our international reach is significant, with clients repeatedly trusting us with specialist and demanding roles across the breadth of the HR spectrum, across multiple countries whether on an interim or permanent basis. As part of our commitment to providing depth of expertise, we are market-leading in our niche for leadership roles within Reward.

Critically, every member of the practice is passionate about the market we serve and in driving the highest standards of candidate care. Externally, we proactively contribute to our function, agitating HR debate and championing the Mental Health agenda around how organisations can bring about change.

We understand that the focus on the people function has never been more intense. With ongoing societal issues continuing to present HR with new people challenges every day, HR leaders need to create a value proposition that stacks up to attract, retain and motivate in a highly competitive global talent market.