Sarah Scannella
Partner, Executive Search, Human Resources Practice

Joined the EBP team in 2023

Proud moment
I am very proud of my two incredible and inspiring daughters!

If I could interview anyone
This is such a tricky question! There are so many people that have either inspired me or fascinated me! I think it would be one of the Greek Philosophers (Socrates, Plato, or Aristotle) because of their curiosity about the world and their restless pursuit to challenge the status quo!
Ultimately, we managed to secure a great candidate from Eton Bridge. She is an individual with huge potential, terrific technical capability and is a first-class cultural fit for the business. I was delighted with the hire, as was the senior leadership team. Going to a specialist search player has added significant value. I’ve enjoyed working with the Eton Bridge team and look forward to working with them again.
Robin Mills Executive Team, FTSE 20